
I'm writing this post today because on my journey to minimalism I have realized I need to cut out Starbucks from my life...  Now I sound like those people that roll their eyes at me when they see me with a Starbucks cup in hand 😕 To be fair though, they usually roll their eyes because they claim other local coffee shops are better.  And, maybe they are... Point is, they aren't really thinking of the environment.  But, back to the point of this post...

Not only is Starbucks expensive for certain drinks, but I personally feel bad about adding all these items to the landfill.  While some of their cups are recyclable, it seems a vast majority are not.  Keeping in mind that Starbucks reportedly goes through 8,000 cups a minute (source:, that's a ton of cups that end up in the landfill.  Annually, 1 million trees must be cut down in order to produce all of these cups - this is just crazy!!!  I don't want to contribute to that and by refraining from Starbucks, I'll also save some money- it's a win-win.

For anyone interested in joining the campaign to get Starbucks to use better cups, visit here (this will open in a new window for you).

I do enjoy some Starbucks drinks but am going to give them a break for now to save money, and to help save the environment and I hope you do the same!


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